Sunday, April 6, 2014

What is the Piriformis Muscle?

If you have or think you may be suffering from piriformis syndrome, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the disorder. Piriformis syndrome usually responds very well to stretching and physical therapy, but in order to stretch a muscle, you need to know where it is, right? Right. So, let’s take a closer look at this muscle that seems to be causing a lot of trouble for so many of us.

Where is the piriformis muscle?

The piriformis muscle is a butt muscle. It’s located at the top of your buttocks right next to your hip bone. To be technical, it starts at the anterior surface of the sacrum and the superior margin of the greater sciatic notch. If you didn’t understand all that, it’s okay to just call it a butt muscle. I did.

Anatomy of the piriformis muscle.

The muscle fibers run almost completely in a horizontal line, and they actually get inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur (along with many other muscles). It’s also the closest muscle in your rear to the sciatic nerve. The piriformis muscle is located near the gluteus medius and the larger gluteus maximus. You see? The gluteus maximus isn’t the only muscle in the buttocks. It’s time to get to know your piriformis.

How can a muscle cause so much pain?

If you suffer from piriformis syndrome, there might seem to be a little disconnect here. How could one butt muscle cause pain that shoots down your leg? Well, the reason the pain radiates is because it’s not actually coming from the muscle itself. The pain you’re experiencing comes from the sciatic nerve. If you have inflammation in your piriformis, or if you get muscle spasms, your muscle is putting pressure on the sciatic nerve – and that’s what causes all the pain, numbness and tingling.

What can I do about piriformis syndrome?

The good news is that piriformis syndrome can usually be treated without surgery. All you have to do is stretch the muscle. That sounds easy, but it’s pretty hard to do on your own. You have to know the right exercises to do, and you have to do them the right way. That’s why Miracle Stretch® developed the Piri-Stretcher. The Piri-Stretcher® was specifically designed to stretch the piriformis muscle. You don’t have to memorize laborious exercises. You just have to learn how to use the device and make a point to use it on a regular basis. Many people have had great results, alleviating the pain and numbness completely – without prescription medications or surgery.

If you suffer from this syndrome, you know it’s not fun. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can be debilitating. Each day you decide not to stretch this important muscle is another day that you can guarantee nothing will change. Instead, try giving the muscle a little stretch. I think you’ll be pleased with the result.

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