Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hope Springs Eternal

“Hope springs eternal.”

Of course hope is very good to have, but it’s effectiveness increases exponentially when initiative or drive is applied to it.

Take the Chicago Cubs for example. It has been 107 years since the last World Series Championship.

107 years.

To put that in perspective, the last time the Cubs won the World Series, the Ship Titanic had yet to be completed, launched, and tragically sunk.(Like the many playoff attempts of the Chicago Cubs.)

But this year feels different. And please note: you do NOT need to be a Cubs fan to appreciate the amount of hope and excitement being felt in the hearts of CubsNation.

You don’t even have to be a baseball fan.

What we can all take away from this year’s Cubs season are many positives to apply to our own lives.

Do Not Accept Labels: The Cubs have been the “Loveable Losers” for generations. They are no longer accepting that moniker and are evolving the fans along with them on the journey of self-discovery. We can do the same. We all have bad habits but we are not condemned to them.  Those labels of “I’m too lazy to get up early to workout, or I could never learn a new language is an acceptance of failure without trying. That mentality is unacceptable.  So start your on fan base by creating something for YOU to cheer about. Even if you are the only member of the fan club. It will grow.

Next year is here: Change now. Yes, there is always next year, but why wait? Why not step up to the plate and make a small change in the right direction? Just make contact with the ball.  You don’t have to go undefeated, just string together some wins here and there and before you know it, you’re on a winning streak.

Why NOT you? Routine and comparing yourself to others are mental trappings. Avoid them. Being happy for others is always the right move, and it shows you are a good sport. But focus on your goals, your fundamentals, and before you know it, you are also a contender.

You’re always on deck, so keep your head in the game. It’s a long season. Pace yourself with reachable goals. “Experts” can predict outcomes on paper, but the game must still be played.  Be committed to yourself. Don’t be afraid to strike out swinging. You’ll be back up to bat soon enough. Give yourself motivation and do it daily if needed. Nothing wrong with making that voice inside your head a coach!

Trust in your team. There is a team around you. They are rooting for you and will pick you up when you need them. There is nothing like having support you can count on. Nothing. Remember those who are always cheering for you to succeed. At Miracle Stretch®, we love hearing about your successes!  We can’t wait to cheer you on! We are the ultimate bandwagon fans, we are always pulling for you to be pain free and back in the game of life.

Stretch.  There’s a 7th inning stretch in every game. It will provide relief and perspective while allowing you to recover energy,

That’s when you will shock the world by winning.

It happens all the time. We call that the Miracle Stretch.

(See what we did there?)

“Play ball!”

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