Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Continuing Therapy at Home

Many utilize physical therapists or chiropractors as a part of a treatment program for Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatica.  At the end of the therapy session it feels great, and most patients are full of intent to continue the prescribed stretches when they get home.  However once home, it is easy to fall back into routine, forgo stretching, and begin to experience associated low back, buttocks, or leg pain all over again.
Why is it so difficult to stick to a home therapy regimen?
Some of the obstacles are:
1)    Once home, it is easy to forget how the stretches are properly done.

2)    You aren't flexible enough to confidently complete the stretch alone.

3)    It's difficult to stick to a home therapy schedule, especially when you aren’t experiencing immediate pain.

4)    Pain meds can sometimes seem like a faster, easier solution, despite the fact that they never address the root cause.

Let’s address each of these barriers, and see if our solutions can lead to a happier, more pain free life.

What was that stretch again??? So, you learn great stretches at the clinic.  You think they work so well.  But later at home, you can’t remember exactly how it was done… there are several things you can do to help solve this problem.

Ask your doctor or therapist for the name of each particular stretch you are taught.  Write them down.  Later, you can do an internet search for the stretch and find visual examples.

Also, ask if you can set up your phone to record your stretches at the clinic.  A video of yourself, doing the proper stretch, is a great way to revisit proper technique.  As you repeat these stretches again and again, your body will remember how they’re done, even if you don’t.

I can't do it very well by myself. If it is a stretch beyond your ability, your doctor or therapist will let you know. So be confident.  Surround yourself with positive thoughts.  Take deep breaths; maybe even take a moment to meditate prior to beginning your stretches.  Keep your goal firmly set in mind: which is to relieve the pain you suffer.

Now just do the best you can; relax, don't push too hard, know that perfection isn’t required.

Umm… I forgot. Procrastination and forgetfulness are huge obstacles to success.  To reach any goal, it's important to eliminate these as much as possible.  In the context of home therapy, they can mean the difference between successful pain management or suffering. 

Keep a journal.  Log the date and time of each home therapy session.  By doing this, we become more accountable to ourselves.  There can be no confusion about when, how often, or for how long.

Place any equipment you utilize (like the Piri-Stretcher® by Miracle Stretch®) in a prominent place in your house.  Put it where you see it several times a day.  When it’s placed in a closet or drawer, it becomes easier to forget it.  However, when you force yourself to see it, the visual aid will prompt and drive you to use it, thus helping you to stick to your therapy routine.

Set a specific time each day to do your therapy.  Make it the same time every day.  Research has found that just before bed is an optimal time for stretching, as it aids in relaxing your mind and body, and makes for a better sleep.  A regular schedule is easier to follow than one that varies.

I don’t need to stretch… I took my meds.  Pain medication can be an important part of a pain management program.  However, it will not address the root cause of your pain.  While a short term goal is to reduce pain immediately, the over-arching goal should be to eliminate pain altogether.  To accomplish this goal, it's imperative to address the cause of pain.  Dedicated stretching and physical rehabilitation target the root cause for long-term relief.

The  Piri-Stretcher® by Miracle Stretch® helps address obstacles by assisting with a guided, targeted piriformis muscle stretch to relax the muscle and relieve tension on the sciatic nerve. This reduced tension can relieve pain in the lower back, buttocks, and radiating down the legs. Properly placed adaptive handles help you gently relax into the stretch, laying flat, and stretching with confidence; they also provide assistance for various levels of flexibility.  Placed in plain view, The Piri-Stretcher® is a constant reminder that you need to stretch today.  Unlike pain meds, it does target the root of your pain to help with relief and prevention.  

A dedicated regimen of stretching is an excellent, natural way to continue home therapy and move toward a permanent, pain free future.

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