Monday, December 7, 2015

Dear Santa: "Can I get the Gift of Relief from my Myofascial and Fibromyalgia Pain?"

Season’s Greetings!

No matter how you celebrate, this season has many people wishing in common. They wish of joy, peace, and health.

Children often have long and detailed lists for Santa, but as adults, the list gets simpler.

If adults were to ask Santa for anything, more than 30 million Americans may ask for relief from chronic pain. (‘Old St. Nick may ask for the same—he does do a lot of lifting and sitting...)

Like letters to the North Pole, Miracle Stretch® gets many letters, emails and questions from folks asking if the Piri-Stretcher® will really help with their pain. In particular, Myofascial and Fibromyalgia Pain.

The answer is: Yes, Virginia, there is a Miracle Stretch®.

The Piri-Stretcher® by Miracle Stretch® can help alleviate Myofascial Pain through a focused and effective guided stretch.

Fibromyalgia Pain can be accompanied by Myofascial Pain - tender pain points on the body. Stretching the piriformis with the Piri-Stretcher® can help with Myofascial relief related to the buttocks, lower back, and legs.

According to the National Spine & Pain Center:

A tough connective tissue layer called fascia covers our muscles and spreads uninterrupted throughout our bodies. When injured, this tissue may tighten and contract putting painful pressure on nerves, muscles, bones, or organs. The area where the injury occurs is referred to as a trigger point. It may feel like a “knot” or “band” in the muscle. Often very sensitive to even light pressure, these trigger points typically generate pain not only at the site, but also in other areas of the body (referred pain). You may experience symptoms that appear totally unrelated to the original injury.

So put the Piri-Stretcher® at the top of your list. Mark it on the Secret Santa form you fill out and hint about with family and friends.

OR simply give yourself the gift of relief this year by ordering one and having it shipped to you before Christmas. Then you will know the the relief thousands have experienced across the country and outside the U.S.

Keep in mind, Miracle Stretch® can also lessen your stress by giving you a great gift to give. The Piri-Stretcher® is thoughtful, effective and affordable! Be prepared for many thank yous!

Speaking of eliminating stress.

We have touched upon this before in our blogs and on our social posts, but it bears repeating. Yes, physical trauma can lead to chronic pain, however mental stress can also create and add to its development.

Here is a holiday thought to put in your eggnog: The season may be the reason for our pain. At least a little...

We are not saying you can completely avoid stress. However, we are suggesting that you find Peace. This can be done by making time for yourself and by following these helpful tips from the Mayo Clinic.

Take care of yourself if you have Myofascial Pain or Fibromyalgia. Self-care measures keep your body healthy and may make it easier for you to concentrate on coping with your pain. Try to:

  • Exercise. Gentle exercise can help you cope better with pain. When your pain allows, get moving. Ask your doctor or physical therapist about appropriate exercises.
  • Relax. If you're stressed and tense, you may experience more pain. Find ways to relax. Meditating, writing in a journal or talking with friends can all be helpful.
  • Take care of your body. Eat a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables. Get enough sleep so that you wake rested. Take care of your body so that you can put your energy toward coping with your pain.

So be good to others, and don't forget yourself, this holiday season and always!

Happy Holidays!

Your Friends at Miracle Stretch

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