Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Lose Weight- Lose the Pain!

Many people have trouble keeping their New Year’s resolutions.  Especially the one about losing weight.  After all, there’s all that leftover holiday candy… And once you’re out of shape, it’s so difficult to get back into a workout routine…  New Year’s Eve, that resolution seems so logical and you’re so determined.  New Year’s Day comes and excuses are like potato chips: you can’t have just one. 
But sometimes we just need a concrete reason to stick to the resolution.  Often, we make them just because we feel we should have them, or base them on abstract ideas of how we should be.  I am going to offer you a solid reason to stick to that resolution to lose weight, one that will help remind you WHY you shouldn’t eat those Lindt chocolates sitting in the bowl there on the counter… 
Losing weight will relieve a lot of your back pain.  Studies have shown a direct link between being overweight and aggravated back pain like piriformis syndrome.  There are several contributing factors, such as:
    Over pronation of the foot- being overweight is a large contributor to flat feet and  over pronating.  Over pronating has been shown to directly contribute to piriformis syndrome and aggravated sciatica.
    Wallet Sciatica- Piriformis syndrome is often called “Wallet Sciatica” due to the fact that sitting on one’s wallet is a leading aggravator. What does this have to do with losing weight?  Think about it…  All that extra gluteal fat.  It’s like having 3 wallets in your back pocket!
     Tight gluteal muscles- This is an indirect effect of being overweight.  Large amounts of sitting cause this condition and overweight individuals usually do a lot of it. Adding exercise and proper stretching to that weight loss regimen goes a long way in alleviating this contributor.
Being overweight is a critical factor in a lot of health related problems.  A lot of these problems are silent and unnoticed.  Not so with back and buttocks pain.  You can’t ignore it. You can’t get away from it.  But you can alleviate it by losing the weight.  And you can measure your progress with how much your symptoms have decreased.
Make the New Year of 2016 different. Remember that you can have a hand in alleviating your back pain. Stick to that resolution to lose weight. Throw away those leftover Christmas candies, stick to a strict dietary regimen, and get out and exercise.
As you do, continue to use your Piri-Stretcher®  by Miracle Stretch® the patented home therapy tool recommended by users for lasting relief of low back and buttocks pain. You’ll be amazed by the difference it makes.  Satisfaction guaranteed.


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