Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Get a Head Start on your 2015 Resolutions

Oh yes, it’s that time of year again.  Each year we make New Year’s resolutions and promise ourselves that “this is the year” that we will actually keep them….but somehow, not too far into “this is the year” we loosen up on those promises of getting healthy, eating better, losing the extra weight and all the other possible resolutions and then shortly after that, we drop them all together.  Sound familiar?  We’ve all been there.

Whether or not you have been successful with past resolutions, it is important to strive for realistic goals in order to obtain success.  We have listed a few tips to help you achieve your resolutions and truly make it “this is the year!”


Taking on too much at once can overwhelm you and sabotage your focus and motivation.  Start off with one or two goals that are most important to you and that you really want to achieve.  It is challenging to change behavior, less is more for resolution success.  The goal can be short or long term- just make it specific.  Instead of, “I need to get control of this sciatic pain this year,” say, “I will commit to proper stretching at least once daily.”


No matter what the final goal is, it’s important to create an action plan to make achieving it possible.  For example, use your smartphone or calendar to set alerts and dates for the various steps to achieve your goal.  If you want to lose weight by eating healthier and exercising, create a weekly meal plan with healthier recipes that interest you and schedule specific days and times for exercise, it does not need to be a lot of time…it just needs to be a start.  Goals that you are excited about and that are important to you will be easier to achieve.


If you have a serious potato chip addiction, giving up salty snacks cold turkey may be very difficult.  Knowing yourself, all those strengths and weaknesses, will help you plan a realistic resolution…one that works for you.  Instead of giving up the salty crunch snacks all together, indulge your inner chip connoisseur once a week (in moderation).  Keep a journal, for example, record your mileage or what day of the week to weigh yourself.  Apps such as RunKeeper and Weight Watchers Mobile make it easy and fun to track successes.


One of the biggest challenges to securing “this is the year” is keeping the motivation.  Constantly remind yourself of your goal and why you chose it (maybe a screen saver on your computer or note in your wallet) it will help to keep you focused so you can eventually reach your goal and even surpass it.  Have a plan in place for when setbacks happen, because they will….use your plan to get back on track and don’t beat yourself up.  Friends and family are good to rely on for moral support, it can be a great motivator to keep you accountable and keep you on track.

From all of us at Miracle Stretch®, wishing you a successful “this is the year” of happy, healthy and pain free 2015!